Eric's Blog

Script - Constrained Delegation for Hyper-V Live Migrations

September 02, 2015


There are two options for Live Migration security in Hyper-V.

  1. Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP)

    • No configuration
    • Must login locally/RDP to origin host to initiate the transfer
  2. Kerberos

    • Allows you to initiate the migration from any machine
    • Requres you configure constrained delegation on between the hosts

It’s not a hard job to add the delegation for a pair of servers, but once you have a few it quickly becomes a pain. We’re going to write a little PowerShell script to setup constrained delegation between any number of hosts.


TechNet Article on configuring Live Migration

What do we need to do?

I’ve enabled constrained delegation between two servers (host and host2) using Active Directory Users and Computers. We’ll use host2 as the source, and host for the destination.

Let’s see what kind of changes we see of the host2’s account after setting up constrained delegation.

PS C:\Users\ehaskins> Get-ADComputer host2 -Properties * | fc * -Depth 1

class ADComputer
  DistinguishedName = CN=HOST2,OU=Servers,OU=IT,OU=EHNet,DC=ehnet,DC=ehaskins,D
  DNSHostName =
  msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo =
      Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/
      Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/HOST
  PropertyCount = 85
PS C:\Users\ehaskins>

Looking through that output we can see what the constained delegation dialog is doing. It’s just adding items to msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo property of the source host. They seem to just be in the form of service/machine. For some reason it added both the qualified and unqualified names. I don’t know why, but we can replicate that behavior…

I also figured out from experimenting that you can list a server in it’s own AllowedToDeledateTo list without breaking anything. That’s helpful since that means we can set all the hosts the same.

The plan

We need to:

  1. Create a list of values to put in msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo
  2. Set the msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo property on each server
  3. We’re going to replace any existing content there, but could make this smarter in the future.
  4. Celebrate

Build the msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo list

We can do something list this.

$domain = ''
$servers = @(

$services = @(
  'Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service',

$allowDelgationTo = foreach ($server in $servers){
    foreach ($service in $services){
        '{0}/{1}' -f $service, $server
        '{0}/{1}.{2}' -f $service, $server, $domain


When we run that we get this, which other than some capitalization differences looks a lot like the output from above. I think it’ll work.

Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/host
Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/
Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/host2
Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/

Write the value to AD

Normally we could just use Set-AdComputer, but unfortunately it doesn’t have a parameter to set this property. Instead, we’re going to use Set-AdComputer -Instance to save an object we’ve modified.

foreach ($server in $servers){
    $acct = get-adcomputer host -Properties msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo

    # Note we're putting the property name in quotes since in contains a "-" which is't allowed normally.
    $acct."msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo" = $allowDelgationTo
    Set-ADComputer -Instance $acct

Completed Script

Eric Haskins

Written by Eric Haskins, maker of things.